[Deep Learning/딥 러닝] 생성 모델

Generative Models Part 1


💡 Deep Generative Models

  • What does it mean by learning a generative model?

Learning a Generative Model

  • Suppose that we are given images of dogs.
  • We want to learn a probability distribution \(p(x)\) such that
    • Generation: If we sample \(\tilde x\sim p(x)\), \(\tilde x\) should look like a dog.
    • Density estimation: \(p(x)\) should be high if \(x\) looks like a dog, and low otherwise.
      • This is also known as an explicit models.
  • Then how can we represent \(p(x)\)?

Basic Discrete Distributions

  • Bernoulli distribution: (biased) coin flip
    • Sample space \(D=\{\text{Heads}, \text{Tails}\}\).
    • Specify \(P(X=\text{Heads})=p\). Then \(P(X=\text{Tails})=1-p\).
    • Say \(X\sim\text{Ber}(p)\).
  • Categorical distribution: (biased) \(m\)-sided dice
    • Sample space \(D=\{1,\cdots,m\}\).
    • Specify \(P(Y=i)=p_i\) such that \(\sum_{i=1}^mp_i=1\).
    • Say \(Y\sim\text{Cat}(p_1,\cdots,p_m)\).


  • Modeling a single pixel of an RGB image.
    • Color tuple \((r,g,b)\sim p(R,G,B)\)
    • Number of cases = \(256\times256\times256\)
    • How many parameters do we need to specify? \[256\times256\times256-1\]



  • Suppose we have \(X_1,\cdots,X_n\) of binary pixels (a binary image).
    • Number of cases = \(2^n\)
    • How many parameters do we need to specify? \[2^n-1\]

    → Almost impossible to model a distribution

Structure through Independence

  • Suppose independencies among \(X_i’s\) for \(i=1,\cdots,m\)
    • Number of cases = \(2^n\)
    • However parameters we need to specify = \(n\).

    → Bad modeling that can represent a meaningful distribution

Conditional Independence

  • 위 두 assumptions의 중간 어딘가의 타협점을 찾기 위해..
  • Three important rules
    • Chain rule \[p(x_1,\cdots,x_n)=p(x_1)p(x_2|x_1)p(x_3|x_1,x_2)\cdots p(x_n|x_1,\cdots,x_{n-1})\]

    • Bayes’ rule \[p(x|y)=\frac{p(x,y)}{p(y)}=\frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}\]

    • Conditional independence

      If \(x\perp y\vert z\), then \[p(x|y,z)=p(x,z)\]

  • Using chain rule we obtain \[P(X_1,\cdots,X_n)=P(X_1)P(X_2|X_1)\cdots P(X_n|X_1,\cdots,X_{n-1})\]

  • How many parameters?
    • For each term \(P(X_i\vert X_{i-1},\cdots)\), \(2^{i-1}\) parameters needed
    • The total sum becomes \(1+2+\cdots+2^{n-1}=2^n-1\).
  • Now we suppose Markov assumption: \(X_{i+1}\perp X_1,\cdots,X_{i-1}\perp X_i\), then the above equation becomes \[p(x_1,\cdots,x_n)=p(x_1)p(x_2|x_1)p(x_3|x_2)\cdots p(x_n|x_{n-1})\]

  • How many parameters? \[2n-1\]

    • Hence by leveraging the Markov assumption, we get exponential reduction on the number of parameters.
    • Autoregressive models leverages this conditional independency.

Autoregressive Models

  • Suppose we have \(28\times28\) binary pixels.
  • Our goal is to learn \(P(X)=P(X_1,\cdots,X_{784})\) over \(X\in\{0,1\}^{784}\).
  • Then how can we parametrize \(P(X)\)?
    • Let’s use the chian rule to factor the joint distribution.
    • An autoregressive model: \[P(X_{1:784})=P(X_1)P(X_2|X_1)P(X_3|X_2)\cdots\]

    • Note that we need an ordering (e.g., raster scan order) of all random variables.

NADE: Neural Autoregressive Density Estimator


  • The probability distribution of \(i\)-th pixel is \[p(x_i|x_{1:i-1})=\sigma(\alpha_i\mathbf h_i+b_i)\;\;\text{where}\;\;\mathbf h_i=\sigma(W_{<i}x_{1:i-1}+\mathbf c)\]

  • NADE is an explicit model that can compute the density of the given inputs.
  • How can we compute the density of the given image?
    • Suppose that we have a binary image with 784 binary pixels i.e., \(\{x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_{784}\}\).
    • Then the joint probability is computed by \[p(x_1,\cdots,x_{784})=p(x_1)\cdots p(x_{784}|x_{1:783})\]

      where each conditional probability \(p(x_i\vert x_{1:i-1})\) is computed independently.

  • In case of modeling continuous random variables, a mixture of Gaussian (MoG) can be used.

Summary of Autoregressive Models

  • Easy to sample from
    • Sample \(\tilde x_0\sim p(x_0)\)
    • Sample \(\tilde x_1\sim p(x_1\vert x_0=\tilde x_0)\)
    • and so forth (in a sequential manner, hence slow).
  • Easy to compute probability \(p(x=\tilde x)\)
    • Compute \(p(x_0=\tilde x_0)\)
    • Compute \(p(x_1=\tilde x_1\vert x_0=\tilde x_0)\)
    • Multiply together (sum their logarithms)
    • and so on.
    • Ideally we can compute all these terms in parallel.
  • Easy to be extended to continuous variables. E.g., we can choose mixture of Gaussians.

Generative Models Part 2

Maximum Likelihood Learning


  • Given a training set of examples, we can cast the generative model learning process as finding the best-approximating density model from the model family.
  • Then how can we evaluate the goodness of the approximation?
  • KL-divergence ~ symmetric property를 만족하지 않으나 “근사적으로” 두 분포사이의 거리를 의미하는 것으로 해석 \[\begin{aligned}\mathcal D(P_\text{data}\Vert P_\theta)&=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}\left[\log\left(\frac{P_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{P_\theta(\mathbf x)}\right)\right]\\&=\int P_\text{data}(\mathbf x)\log\frac{P_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{P_\theta(\mathbf x)}\;\text{d}\mathbf x\end{aligned}\]

  • We can simplify the above as follows: \[\begin{aligned}\mathcal D(P_\text{data}\Vert P_\theta)&=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}\left[\log\left(\frac{P_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{P_\theta(\mathbf x)}\right)\right]\\&=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}[\log P_\text{data}(\mathbf x)]-\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}[\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)]\end{aligned}\]

  • As the first term does not depend on \(P_\theta\), minimizing the KL-divergence is equivalent to maximizing the expected log-likelihood. \[\begin{aligned}\arg\min_{P_\theta}\mathcal D(P_\text{data}\Vert P_\theta)&=\arg\min_{P_\theta}-\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}[\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)]\\&=\arg\max_{P_\theta}\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}[\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)]\end{aligned}\]

  • Approxmiate the expected log-likelihood \[\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim P_\text{data}}\left[\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)\right]\]

    with the empirical log-likelihood \[\mathbb E_\mathcal D[\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)]=\frac{1}{|\mathcal D|}\int_{\mathbf x\in\mathcal D}\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)\;\text{d}\mathbf x\]

    • 분포 \(P_\text{data}\)을 직접적으로 알 수 없는 상황에서 관측한 데이터셋 \(\mathcal D\)가 분포 \(P_\text{data}\)를 가진다고 가정하고 parametrized distribution을 학습하겠다는 것
  • Maximum likelihood learning is then \[\max_{P_\theta}\frac{1}{|\mathcal D|}\int_{\mathbf x\in\mathcal D}\log P_\theta(\mathbf x)\;\text{d}\mathbf x\]

  • Variance of Monte Carlo estimate is high: \[V_P[\hat g]=V_P\left[\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^Tg(x^t)\right]=\frac{V_P[g(x)]}{T}\]

    • 데이터 수가 충분하지 않을 경우, 예측이 정확하지 않을 수 있음

Empirical Risk Minimization

  • For maximum likelihood learning, empirical risk minimization (ERM) if often used.
  • However, ERM often suffers from its overfitting.
    • Extreme case: The model remembers all training data \[p(x)=\frac{1}{|\mathcal D|}\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal D|}\delta(x,x_i)\]

  • To achieve better generalization, we typically restrict the hypothesis space of distributions that we search over.
  • However, it could deteriorate the performance of the generative model.

Maximum Likelihood Learning

  • Usually MLL is prone to underfitting as we often use simple parametric distributions such as spherical Gaussians.
  • 모든 사용 가능한 확률 분포를 사용할 수 없기 때문
  • 최적화를 위해 gradient descent 기법을 사용하며 미분 가능한 log likelihood를 사용해야 하는데 이때 무난하게 가정하는 것이 Gaussian. 사실 유의미한 분포를 모델링하는 것이 2014년 Ian Goodfellow이 제안한 GAN 이전까지 불가능했음.
  • What about other ways of measuring the similarity?
    • KL-divergence leads to maximum likelihood learning or Variational Autoencoder (VAE).
    • Jensen-Shannon divergence leads to Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).
    • Wasserstein distance leads to Wasserstein Autoencoder (WAE) or Adversarial Autoencoder (AAE).

Latent Variable Models

Is an autoencoder a generative model?

→ No. Just a model.

Variational Autoencoder

  • Objective \[\max p_\theta(x)\]

  • Variational Inference (VI)

    • The goal of VI is to optimize the variational distribution the best matches the posterior distribution.
      • Posterior distribution: \(p_\theta(z\vert x)\)
      • Variational distribution: \(q_\phi(z\vert x)\)
    • In particular, we want to find the variational distribution that minimizes the KL-divergence between the true posterior.


  • MLE \[\begin{aligned} \overbrace{\log p_\theta(x)}^\text{maximum likelihood learning} &=\int_z\underbrace{q_\phi(z|x)}_{\text{For any}\;q_\phi}\log p_\theta(x)\mathrm{d}x \\&=\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x)p_\theta(z|x)}{p_\theta(z|x)}\right] \\&=\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x,z)}{p_\theta(z|x)}\right] \\&=\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x,z)q_\phi(z|x)}{p_\theta(z|x)q_\phi(z|x)}\right] \\&=\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x,z)}{q_\phi(z|x)}\right]+\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{q_\phi(z|x)}{p_\theta(z|x)}\right] \\&=\underbrace{\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x,z)}{q_\phi(z|x)}\right]}_{\text{ELBO}\;\uparrow}+\underbrace{D_{KL}(q_\phi(z|x)\Vert p_\theta(z|x))}_{\text{Variational Gap}\;\downarrow} \end{aligned}\]

    • ELBO: Evidence Lower Bound
    • True posterior \(q_\phi(z\vert x)\)는 존재성은 알고 있으나 수식으로 풀어내어 계산하는 것은 불가능한 항
    • 목적은 \(p_\theta\)를 \(q_\phi\)에 근사하고자 하는 것
    • 이때 ELBO는 tractable quantity이므로 이를 최대화하여 variational gap을 상대적으로 줄이고자 하는 것

Evidence Lower Bound

\[\begin{aligned} \underbrace{\mathbb E_{z\sim q_\phi(z|x)}\left[\log\frac{p_\theta(x,z)}{q_\phi(z|x)}\right]}_{\text{ELBO}\;\uparrow} &=\int\log\frac{p_\theta(x|z)p(z)}{q_\phi(z|x)}q_\phi(z|x)\mathrm dz \\&=\underbrace{\mathbb E_{q_\phi(z|x)}[p_\theta(x|z)]}_\text{reconstruction term}-\underbrace{D_{KL}(q_\phi(z|x)\Vert p(z))}_\text{prior fitting term} \end{aligned}\]
  • Reconstruction term: encoder \(q_\phi\)와 decoder \(p_\theta\)를 모두 통과한 것으로 해석할 수 있음
  • Prior fitting term — enforces the latent distribution to be similar to the prior distribution \(p(z)\).

Key Limitations

  • Intractable model (hard to evaluate likelihood)
  • The prior fitting term should be differentiable (\(\because\) gradient descent method), hence it is hard to use diverse latent prior distributions.
  • In most cases, we use an isotropic Gaussian where we have a closed-form for the prior fitting term. \[D_{KL}(q_\phi(z|x)\Vert \mathcal N(0,I))=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal D|}(\sigma_{z_i}^2+\mu_{z_i}^2-\log(\sigma_{z_i}^2)-1)\]

  • Prior fitting term을 gradient descent로 최적화하기 위해서는 isotropic Gaussian을 가정할 수밖에 없기 때문에 Gaussian을 사용
  • 생성된 이미지의 퀄리티로 볼 때, 추천되지 않는 방법

Generative Adversarial Networks

2023-03-22-dl-basics-5-fig4 \[\min_G\max_DV(D,G)=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}[\log D(\mathbf x)]+\mathbb E_{\mathbf z\sim p_{\mathbf z}(\mathbf z)}[\log(1-D(G(\mathbf z)))]\]

GAN objective

  • GAN is a two player minimax game between generator and discriminator.
    • Discriminator objective: \[\max_DV(G,D)=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}[\log D(\mathbf x)]+\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_G(\mathbf z)}[\log(1-D(\mathbf x))]\]

    • The optimal discriminator is \[D_G^*(\mathbf x)=\frac{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)+p_G(\mathbf x)}\]

    • Generator objective: \[\min_GV(G,D)=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_\text{data}}[\log D(\mathbf x)]+\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_G}[\log(1-D(\mathbf x))]\]

    • Plugging the optimal discriminator into the above generator objective equation we obtain \[\begin{aligned} V(G,D_G^*(\mathbf x)) &=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_\text{data}}\left[\log \frac{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)+p_G(\mathbf x)}\right]+\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_G}\left[\log\frac{p_G(\mathbf x)}{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)+p_G(\mathbf x)}\right] \\&=\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_\text{data}}\left[\log \frac{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)}{\frac{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)+p_G(\mathbf x)}{2}}\right]+\mathbb E_{\mathbf x\sim p_G}\left[\log\frac{p_G(\mathbf x)}{\frac{p_\text{data}(\mathbf x)+p_G(\mathbf x)}{2}}\right]-\log4 \\&=\underbrace{D_{KL}\left[p_\text{data},{\frac{p_\text{data}+p_G}{2}}\right]+D_{KL}\left[p_G,{\frac{p_\text{data}+p_G}{2}}\right]}_{2\times\text{Jenson-Shannon Divergence (JSD)}}-\log4 \\&=2D_{JSD}[p_\text{data},p_G]-\log4 \end{aligned}\]

Deep Convolutional GAN


Diffusion Models

Diffusion Models


  • Forward (diffusion) process progressively injects noise to an image. \[p_\theta(\mathbf x_{t-1}|\mathbf x_t):=\mathcal N(\mathbf x_{t-1};\mu_\theta(\mathbf x_t,t),\Sigma_\theta(\mathbf x_t,t))\]

  • The reverse process is learned in such a way to denoise the perturbed image back to a clean image.
  • DDPM 간단 요약: 굉장히 오랜 스텝을 거쳐 noise vector를 original image로 개선해나가는 과정



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